Care for COVID with Heart

care with heart

I meet weekly with my dear friend and colleague for over two decades, Kay (now by Zoom) for a deep connection of spirituality and support. We provide great mirrors for each other and this week she helped me remember what I already knew about the heart. Bombarded with the latest statistics, stories, and best ways…

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Are You in Resistance or Resilience?

Word no to represent resistance to esilience

There is nothing more potent than experiencing something firsthand when you are writing about it. When I got serious about writing my book, (instead of just talking about writing my book), I experienced an unbelievable amount of resistance. This of course was perfect since we can’t cultivate resilience without resistance. Resistance is the conflict and…

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20 Resilience Habits for 2020

Hand holding apple

Our habits build up or break down our resilience and today is a great day to examine them and decide what we want to let go, keep, and start, as we begin the new year. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, defines habits as behaviors repeated enough times that they become automatic. Good habits get…

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