A Graceful Act

Last week was my birthday and I had fun filled day fully scheduled out with yoga, pedicure, lunch, shopping and dinner.  Then I realized there had been at mix-up (mine) and  I had not renewed my registration for my car.  My birthday happened to fall on the last day of the month I could register, or face a huge fine….

So I whipped into the closest Department of Motor Vehicles thinking (praying) positively only to find wall to wall people who also must have gotten mixed up forcing them to register on the last day of the month. I picked number 875 and saw 780 was being served.  I started my yoga breathing, and with great disappointment, called my lunch date to cancel.  In the middle of explaining why I would have to miss my birthday lunch the man next to me handed over his number to me, which was 790 and said, “Happy Birthday”.  Oh my gosh!  Only 10 people in front of me!  Who knew one could experience such a graceful act of kindness right in the middle of the Department of Motor Vehicles? 

I thanked him profusely and he said , “Just do a good turn for somebody else when you can ”.  Wow.  I haven’t stopped thinking about Ted and what good turn I can do for somebody else.  It reminded me of the movie, Pay it Forward when a 12 year sets out to change the world doing good deeds for others and succeeds.  Just like Ted, we all can at least change someone’s day, with a graceful act.  What could you pay forward today?

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