Self-Leadership is Self-Love

What’s love got to do with Self-Leadership? As it turns out, everything. The nurses I coach in the Well-Being Coaching Initiative are high performers in their healthcare organizations. They hold themselves to very high standards and when they don’t meet their often unrealistic expectations, they can be harsh and critical of themselves. Common statements I…

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5 Decisions for Self-Leadership

Pumpkins on brown leaves

Self-Leadership is the foundational skill of the Well-Being Coaching Program. It goes deeper than self-care because it empowers you to make the best decisions for yourself that affect your overall Well-Being. Self-Leadership requires you to commit the time and energy to know and care about yourself enough to make yourself a priority. Here are 5…

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Recalibrate for Well-Being

After a downright cold Colorado Spring and recovering from a nasty virus, I was eager to start my summer with many things on my list. Hiking, biking, backpacking, gardening, outdoor concerts, picnics, mountain trips, reconnecting with friends and family, painting, and various home projects just to name a few… I started to feel overwhelmed and…

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Nurse Leaders Connect, Engage and Grow at AONL

Diane at AONL 2023

I came home from this year’s AONL conference feeling encouraged, optimistic and excited because of all I experienced. The theme was Inspiring Leaders: Connect. Engage. Grow. and AONL did a beautiful job of infusing the theme throughout the four-day Conference. The Nurse Leaders I met at presentations, receptions and in the hallways also embraced it…

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7 Habits of Highly Empowered Nurses

71% of nurses don’t believe their well-being is a priority to their organizations. While every Nurse Leader I know has workforce well-being at the top of their list, it’s hard to determine what to do about it. Empowering nurses in their own well-being is a start and requires commitment at the organizational and the individual…

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