What are you Resisting?

When I finally went to the orthopedic surgeon after experiencing 3 months of hip pain, I was expecting to discuss arthroscopic surgery for a labrum repair. Instead, he said, “I can fix your labrum, but that won’t take care of your problem. You need a hip replacement”. I responded in shock with, “OMG! Are you…

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Getting to YES

The sign on the wall, “If you don’t puke, faint, or die, keep going” was a tad concerning as I walked into a cycling class called HELLth. The initial reason I said YES to this 6am class was because the new owner of my yoga studio in Park Hill, (who owns five fitness facilities in…

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The Courage to Change

Courage is the ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. We need courage, not because it shows our strength but because it shows our ability to act, in spite of our weaknesses. If we don’t stand up for what is important to us, follow our hearts, and persevere in our most…

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