Getting to YES
The sign on the wall, “If you don’t puke, faint, or die, keep going” was a tad concerning as I walked into a cycling class called HELLth. The initial reason I said YES to this 6am class was because the new owner of my yoga studio in Park Hill, (who owns five fitness facilities in Denver) enthusiastically requested all the instructors at Endorphin attend classes they don’t normally teach or take. HELLth fit both criteria for me. Spinning classThe class was definitely challenging, but all of the chatter in my head before class even started was more challenging!
I don’t want to get hurt…
I wonder if I’ll be the oldest, slowest, newest in the class?
I hope I can keep up…
I didn’t puke, faint, or die and actually, I had a ball! But I would never have known all this if didn’t get to YES. Getting to YES means to be open and curious to the possibilities of something new, the willingness to be comfortable being uncomfortable, and to look for the good, (or lesson) in everything. To say YES to one thing, you have to say NO to something as well, like fear, excuses, avoidance, judgment, or anything else in your way. Last month, at my Your Mindful Year Mountain Retreat, I witnessed a great group say YES, not only to the retreat, but to the lessons as well. They were at different levels physically, but at advanced levels in their mindfulness, demonstrated when one of the hikes, intended to be a 1½ hour activity turned out to be 3½ hours. Despite dealing with some orthopedic issues, acclimating to the higher altitude, and lack of plentiful water, no one complained, questioned, or brought the group down with negativity. And afterward, they mindfully shared the lessons learned:
WOW! Now I know I can hike for 3½ hours!
I’m stronger than I thought!
What a great metaphor for life that things don’t always go according to plan…
The beauty of saying YES to new experiences is when you say Yes in one area of your life (like work, health, relationships or money), you find yourself saying YES in other areas as well. Where in your life can you get to YES today?