Could it Be That Easy?

One thing that triggers me, causing a disproportionate reaction to a situation, is any kind of technical issue. I admit to avoiding the necessary research, maintenance, and upgrading to prevent issues, fearing it will be too hard, expensive, or time-consuming. Case in point, I did not use my landline for business or personal for 18…

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Care for COVID with the ONE Thing

Yoga Practice on Beach

This marks week 5 of our official quarantine and I don’t know about you, but it is wearing on me. While my inbox continues to fill up with advice on how to best use my time, money, and energy during this uncertainty, I feel the need for less, not more. Today I give you the…

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Making Space to Grow

Making Space to Grow Roses

If you are a gardener, you know that roses, like many plants, require plenty of space to grow. This requires you to thin the stalks in early spring so the remaining ones have plenty of room for light, water, and growth. This makes for not only healthy and hearty roses, (resilient), but also beautiful, as…

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Have you HAD it?

Sad HAD it Snowman

HAD is a term I coined as Holiday Affective Disorder, when you feel down, moody, and irritable anticipating and experiencing the holiday season. I have had a difficult time, (some years worse than others) around the holidays for most of my adult life as it represents a deep sense of loss for me, the biggest…

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Getting to YES

The sign on the wall, “If you don’t puke, faint, or die, keep going” was a tad concerning as I walked into a cycling class called HELLth. The initial reason I said YES to this 6am class was because the new owner of my yoga studio in Park Hill, (who owns five fitness facilities in…

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The Courage to Change

Courage is the ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. We need courage, not because it shows our strength but because it shows our ability to act, in spite of our weaknesses. If we don’t stand up for what is important to us, follow our hearts, and persevere in our most…

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Surprise Yourself this Holiday

I decided not to put up a Christmas tree this year. Not because I was bitter or in protest, but because I just couldn’t face spending the 4 days it takes to get the decorations out of the crawlspace, go through them, make room for them, and then clean up and put them all away…

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Practice Compassion

Compassion is the desire to alleviate suffering by expressing fundamental loving kindness toward yourself and others. We need compassion because life is hard, unfair, and impermanent—for all of us. There are now studies confirming practicing compassion improves health, well-being, and relationships. Compassion makes us feel good by activating pleasure circuits in the brain. It can…

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Do You Mind What You Eat?

Do you mind what you eat? In other words, are you mindful, (awake and aware) of what, how much, when and why you are eating? In these busy and stressful times, many of us are not. We can find ourselves “grabbing something” between meetings, soccer games, or conference calls and what we “grab” is usually…

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