Posts Tagged ‘Diane Sieg’
Practice CPR for YOUR New Normal
I was thrilled to speak in person at Dignity Hospital last month for Hospital Week! While I have been grateful to present on Zoom for the last 16 months, it pales in comparison to the energy, spontaneity, and sharing an in-person experience provides. It was a great trip on many levels, and quite different from…
Keep Reading...What Are You Feeding?
Last month, I had a period of not sleeping well causing me to lose my energy, focus, and perspective. My erratic moods compelled my husband to ask me frequently, “Are you Good Diane or Bad Diane today?” It reminded me of an old Cherokee tale of two wolves: One evening an elderly Cherokee told his…
Keep Reading...9 CPR Practices for Self-Leadership
Self-Leadership is the relationship you have with yourself. It is how you talk to, prioritize, and treat yourself, especially in times of challenge and stress. It is deeper than self-care because when we take full responsibility for the decisions we make to honor our bodies, energy, and time, we empower ourselves to feel and do our…
Keep Reading...Living with Resilience: Self-Leadership
Before I gave a webinar to nurse residents last month on work-life balance, I asked them about their biggest challenges. They all shared a similar theme: the ability to leave work at work, without agonizing about what they didn’t know, get done, or anticipate. They want what we all want, to feel good about ourselves…
Keep Reading...Recovery with Resilience: Restore
Last year at this time I wrote about the need for recovery as I experienced a full speaking schedule, a lot of travel, and planning my wedding! Today we are experiencing different reasons for needing recovery with limitations on travel, social interactions, and resources, leading to what a CNO said recently, feels like one very…
Keep Reading...5 Resilience Skills for COVID-19
We are all feeling the effects of the COVID-19 virus outbreak but no one is more distressed right now than healthcare organizations. I am here to serve and support you in any way and have outlined 5 resilience skills that will help us all navigate this uncertain and chaotic time. Thank you for all you…
Keep Reading...Are You in Resistance or Resilience?
There is nothing more potent than experiencing something firsthand when you are writing about it. When I got serious about writing my book, (instead of just talking about writing my book), I experienced an unbelievable amount of resistance. This of course was perfect since we can’t cultivate resilience without resistance. Resistance is the conflict and…
Keep Reading...The Lighter Side of Resilience
I started my new year spending 5 days with a dear friend on a writing retreat in the mountains. It was ideal in so many ways. Besides having uninterrupted space and time to write in a beautiful cabin, we experienced camaraderie and support for our writing projects. I so appreciated the relaxed and free spirit…
Keep Reading...20 Resilience Habits for 2020
Our habits build up or break down our resilience and today is a great day to examine them and decide what we want to let go, keep, and start, as we begin the new year. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, defines habits as behaviors repeated enough times that they become automatic. Good habits get…
Keep Reading...The Joy in NO
We have trouble saying NO for many reasons. We are good people and don’t want to disappoint anyone, we are high-achievers and think we should be able to do it, or we thrive on the immediate rewards of attention and praise. We also may be challenged with NO when we underestimate the amount of time…
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