9 CPR Practices for Self-Leadership

Healthcare workers

Self-Leadership is the relationship you have with yourself. It is how you talk to, prioritize, and treat yourself, especially in times of challenge and stress. It is deeper than self-care because when we take full responsibility for the decisions we make to honor our bodies, energy, and time, we empower ourselves to feel and do our best.       

The CPR practices, Compassion, Presence, and Recovery, are life-changing because they help you experience more meaning, focus, and fulfillment in your life. Here are the top 9 that help me feel good about myself and my life:


  1. SLOW Down
    Slow down your talking, thinking, and listening to connect with your heart instead of communicate with your head.
  2. Reframe
    Instead of asking, why is this taking me so long? Ask, what can I learn from this?
  3. Take a Deep Breath and Smile
    Create a pause to care before you enter a room, answer a question, pick up the phone or respond to an email or text.


  1. Do ONE Thing at a Time
    Multitasking is a lie, focusing on one thing is more efficient and fulfilling.
  2. Practice Beginner’s Mind
    Being open and curious reboots our brain and helps us create and problem solve at a higher level.
  3. Let Go of your Fear, Worry, or Resentment
    When we let go of the way things used to be and the fear of how things might be, we open ourselves up for new things to come in.


  1. Practice Sleep Hygiene
    Go to bed earlier, create a ritual to prepare your mind and body for sleep, and prioritize your sleep schedule.
  2. Create a Transition Routine from Work to Home
    Visualize a bridge you are crossing, inhale let, exhale go, shower, listen to your favorite inspirational music or the silence.
  3. Schedule Recovery EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
    This could be your ONE thing to help you connect to and feel good about yourself, even for just 5 minutes.

All the CPR practices build on each other, so pick ONE that resonates with you and even make it your word for the week, month, or year. These are practices, not perfections, so honor your humanness, give yourself the grace and space to forget, skip it, and always begin again.


  1. Sharon Murnane on June 2, 2021 at 9:57 pm

    Dear Diane,
    I really thought this was quite brilliant–CPR caught my eye and I had to know where you were going with it.
    I know this is your material and proprietary.
    What would I do if I wanted to share this concept at some point–of course circumstances would likely differ/vary great from time to time.
    Thank you again for your boundless creativity!

  2. Sharon Murnane on June 2, 2021 at 9:59 pm

    Hi Diane,
    In my previous comment, I forgot to mention that Sharp Healthcare System is always looking for new or additional ways to support our nurses.

    Thank you again,

    • Diane Sieg on June 3, 2021 at 11:47 pm

      Hi Sharon,

      Nice to hear from you and thank you for. your kind words. I would love to connect to discuss CPR for Nurses and if you are interested in bringing it to your nurses at Sharp Healthcare System.

      Take good care,

  3. Lois l. Salmeron on November 2, 2021 at 2:45 pm

    Love this…..I will forward your email to all of the KSN faculty….and encourage them to take a few minutes to utilize your brilliant message.
    Take care…….

    • Diane Sieg on November 3, 2021 at 1:29 am

      Thank you Lois. I so appreciate your support of nursing.
      You take good care too,

      • lori lombardi on September 1, 2022 at 12:32 pm

        These are wonderful goals but require support of upper management to be enacted.
        We’ve learned much about taking time to reinvent and refresh ourselves but in many facilities, the workplace has not caught up to that thinking. —with increased expectations., demands, time limits. Still ,would be a wonderful way to approach and each other.

        • Diane Sieg on September 2, 2022 at 12:43 am

          I couldn’t agree with you more, Lori. Workplace Well-Being must be supported by and committed to at the leadership level. I would welcome the opportunity to connect with your leadership team if you think it would be helpful.

          Thank you for all you do every day,

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