What’s the Word for Your New Year?
By now, we have all been bombarded with advice about how to be successful with our resolutions and join the meager 8% who actually achieve them. Too often, the rest of us make our resolutions too complicated, unrealistic, and overwhelming, based on things we think we should do, instead of things we want to do.
Shoulds are often short-lived because they can end up feeling meaningless and resented. How about picking a theme you really want for your year, to give you some resilience around your resolution? Resilience helps us bounce back from challenges but it also influences how we show up every day, especially when we are struggling, stuck, or discouraged.
The theme for your year is ONE actionable word that has true meaning for you and can apply to every area of your life, including your health, relationships, work, and money. My word for the year is GROWTH. After my hiatus with my hip replacement last May, I want to grow in every area of my life including health with my yoga practice, relationships with my partner, and business with the release of The Resilience Academy.
What word could you choose to get you excited about beginning again this year? Here are a few ideas:
You can also engage your staff to pick a word for your unit, dept, or whole organization with a theme for the year, quarter, or even month. Because what we focus on expands, take notice of the influence a simple word can have in many areas of your life. I look forward to hearing the word for your new year and all that unfolds!