Posts Tagged ‘letting go’
5 Misconceptions About Burnout
Carol, a seasoned ICU nurse started to cry uncontrollably on her way to the grocery store. After spending the last four days working her 12-hour shifts, she felt completely overwhelmed with the idea of driving to, navigating in, and unpacking from the grocery. Feeling frustrated and even embarrassed, she made the decision to go home…
Keep Reading...9 CPR Practices for Self-Leadership
Self-Leadership is the relationship you have with yourself. It is how you talk to, prioritize, and treat yourself, especially in times of challenge and stress. It is deeper than self-care because when we take full responsibility for the decisions we make to honor our bodies, energy, and time, we empower ourselves to feel and do our…
Keep Reading...Home for the Holidays: 3 Ways to Experience Joy
Home for the Holidays has a new meaning this year. Many of us have altered our plans forgoing holiday travel, festivities, and gatherings outside our household. These changes are disappointing and require us to be very intentional to experience joy at work, and everywhere else. Whether it’s your relationships, career, or the holidays, experiencing joy…
Keep Reading...Care for COVID with Letting Go
Jack Kornfield, my favorite Buddhist monk psychologist says, loving and letting go can be the same thing because both allow us to touch each changing moment and be there fully for whatever arises next. These words resonate with me as I experience moments of hope and peace, followed by waves of overwhelm and sadness in…
Keep Reading...3 Words to Let Go of Your Ego
Two weeks before my hip replacement, I went to my pre-op appointment which included a group class. I didn’t think much about it until I walked into a room with 25 other people who didn’t look anything like me. They were much older, bigger, and in worse shape, with canes, walkers, and wheelchairs. After the…
Keep Reading...Let Go to Fill Up This Holiday!
Holidays bring more of everything—more parties, shopping, food, drink, and expectations. We don’t actually need more to fill us up. With more time,we would probably just add more activity. More money doesn’t fill us up either, because once we have our basic needs met, more does not bring peace and joy. And contrary to TV…
Keep Reading...How to Let Go of the Pony
Many years ago a friend of mine told me the reason the holidays can be so difficult for many of us is because we are waiting for the pony. I struggled with the holidays for years, starting in September and through to January. I would agonize before, in anticipation of my angst, suffer during and…
Keep Reading...Surprise Yourself this Holiday
I decided not to put up a Christmas tree this year. Not because I was bitter or in protest, but because I just couldn’t face spending the 4 days it takes to get the decorations out of the crawlspace, go through them, make room for them, and then clean up and put them all away…
Keep Reading...Top 10 Reasons to be Mindful
Mindfulness, being awake and aware in the present moment is so powerful because it is the only place we can decide, create, listen, act, and live. When we cultivate the kind of awareness that comes through mindfulness practices, we have the opportunity to pause and choose how we respond to the inevitable triggers and stresses…
Keep Reading...Letting Go of Dad
My Dad was a talented artist, sports enthusiast, and generally fun-loving guy to be around. I could tell you many funny stories about his lack of direction and getting lost everywhere we went, his soft spot for dogs, reflected by how many visits we made to the Humane Society, and his intense love of ice…
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