Compassion Begins with You

One of my favorite components of the Well-Being Coaching Program is celebrating the Champions and Coaches at Graduation after fulfilling the requirements for certification. It is a special day to recognize their hard work in developing Self-Leadership, reveal the results of their assessments, and hear their individual stories about what the program meant to them.…

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Are You Overfunctioning? ONE Thing to Help

Nurse with mask on

After coaching many nurses and leaders over the last year, I have noticed a common theme. When nurses are feeling overwhelmed or out of control, we tend to overfunction. Our inherent role as caregivers and problem solvers make this an obvious way to manage our stress, but it is not a sustainable one. Overfunctioning is…

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What Are You Feeding?

Wolf howling in winter

Last month, I had a period of not sleeping well causing me to lose my energy, focus, and perspective. My erratic moods compelled my husband to ask me frequently, “Are you Good Diane or Bad Diane today?” It reminded me of an old Cherokee tale of two wolves: One evening an elderly Cherokee told his…

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9 CPR Practices for Self-Leadership

Healthcare workers

Self-Leadership is the relationship you have with yourself. It is how you talk to, prioritize, and treat yourself, especially in times of challenge and stress. It is deeper than self-care because when we take full responsibility for the decisions we make to honor our bodies, energy, and time, we empower ourselves to feel and do our…

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Home for the Holidays: 3 Ways to Experience Joy

Holiday ornaments

Home for the Holidays has a new meaning this year. Many of us have altered our plans forgoing holiday travel, festivities, and gatherings outside our household. These changes are disappointing and require us to be very intentional to experience joy at work, and everywhere else. Whether it’s your relationships, career, or the holidays, experiencing joy…

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5 Ways to Be Sick to Get Well

Last month I woke up to a sore throat, headache, and general exhaustion. That day, I proudly surrendered and spent the day on the couch. Day 2: I felt better, but still rested– just to be sure. Day 3: I thought I was over it and stayed upright working all day. Day 4: I crashed…

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