Time for a Change-Painful or Energizing?

mayurasana (peacock pos

I was recently inspired by a yoga class to take my business to the next level, I just didn’t know I was going to do it so soon… for more on that literally headache-inducing experience, click here.

Like most everyone else, I don’t like change, so much.  I made a MAJOR change in what feels like my entire life this week by purchasing a new MacBook Pro computer.  I have been thinking about it for a while, but when the hard drive on my PC crashed, the decision was made for me–rather abruptly!

I have been visiting the MAC store every day since, for set-up questions, one on one lessons, and conversion issues where I graciously listen from what look like 13 year olds tell me how to operate my new machine.  It is small, slick and speedy and as soon as I can figure out where to find things I know I will love it while it helps me take my business to the next level.

Today, I am still on a steep learning curve and even though it took me an eternity just to write this post, I am determined not to suffer during this transition. I remind myself why I chose this new computer, just like I choose an advanced yoga class or anything else that stretches me, (literally and figuratively)-because going to the next level, although sometimes painful, is always energizing!

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