Resistance Acceptance

I am finding myself in a very familiar place today.  I am having a great deal of  Resistance around my writing.  I really want to write, I actually enjoy writing, and I have lots of great ideas.   And….I am not doing it.  It isn’t the writing I find so challenging, it’s the getting to the writing that is so hard, ie sitting my (you know) what in the chair.  This is so typical of Resistance, showing up when there is something in your life that excites you, but scares the heck out of you at the same time. 

Steven Pressman, in his book, The War of Art states it beautifully with, “Most of us have two lives.  The life we live, and the unlived life within us.  Between the two stands Resistance.” 

What about you?  Is there something in your life that excites you but scares you at the same time causing you to avoid, procrastinate, rationalize, or deny?  Perhaps a new relationship, fitness program, project, or job?  We can move through with these three steps: 

Accept.  What we resist, persists, so accept the Resistance and instead of asking, “Why can’t I just sit down and write?” ask, “What am I going to do about it?”

Show Up.  To move through my Resistance, I show up when I have scheduled my time to show up, even when I don’t want to, have nothing to say, or don’t have time.  And, I show up everyday to move me forward. (see my ezine post on Everyday Power)

Celebrate.  Every time I am successful and stay in my seat for my allotted time (I track my time, while some writers track words) I celebrate in some way.  I call someone to tell them, I get outside for a walk, I treat myself to a latte.

Repeat above steps as necessary.

You may go through these steps once a day, or 100 times a day, and it doesn’t matter.  Because your unlived life within you live is waiting and only Resistance is keeping you from it!

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