STOP Judging and Start Dancing!

A couple of months ago, my partner Neil and I went to a salsa bootcamp to learn how to dance, connect on a deeper level, and have some fun. Like all life experiences, it was a perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness, especially non-judging. While salsa looks smooth, sexy, and intuitive, (kind of like ice dancing)…

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Trust the Mud

Many years ago when I first got into the speaking business, my mentor and now dear friend, Mary LoVerde told me every time you want to get to another level, you have to go through the mud—that period when everything seems confusing, overwhelming, and downright impossible. I am feeling that way about my current project,…

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The One Thing You Need to Be Authentic

On the mountain

When I first started speaking professionally, almost 20 years ago, I wanted to be just like all the great speakers I experienced, such as Jeanne Robertson, with her side-splitting humor, Les Brown, with his engaging intensity, and my beloved coach, Lou Heckler, with his heartfelt ability to connect. Great speakers are polished and passionate delivering…

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Practice Compassion

Compassion is the desire to alleviate suffering by expressing fundamental loving kindness toward yourself and others. We need compassion because life is hard, unfair, and impermanent—for all of us. There are now studies confirming practicing compassion improves health, well-being, and relationships. Compassion makes us feel good by activating pleasure circuits in the brain. It can…

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Top 10 Reasons to be Mindful

Mindfulness, being awake and aware in the present moment is so powerful because it is the only place we can decide, create, listen, act, and live. When we cultivate the kind of awareness that comes through mindfulness practices, we have the opportunity to pause and choose how we respond to the inevitable triggers and stresses…

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Bring RAIN to Your Spring

Spring time here in the Rockies can give a real challenge for deciding what not to wear or if the weather is severe enough to cancel events (as I did last week). But I find the unpredictability and extremes of our weather patterns this time of year also leave me unsettled and ungrounded with feelings…

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Top 10 Ways to Celebrate Your Nurses

How are you celebrating your nurses during National Nurses Week this year? With all the uncertainties in healthcare today, it can be challenging to even think about celebrations, let alone pay for them. The chaos we are feeling these days makes it even MORE important that your nurses are acknowledged and appreciated for all they do. Here are my…

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Ready to Shift into Fall? Three Things To Do

Posted by Diane Sieg on September 7, 2012 I used to want summer to go on forever, but the truth is, after living in a tropical climate that was always summer, I now celebrate the change of seasons.   Each season brings with it an opportunity to look at and experience things new again. Fall takes…

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Time for a Change-Painful or Energizing?

I was recently inspired by a yoga class to take my business to the next level, I just didn’t know I was going to do it so soon… for more on that literally headache-inducing experience, click here. Like most everyone else, I don’t like change, so much.  I made a MAJOR change in what feels like my…

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Summer Solstice: Let the Light In

Happy Summer Solstice!  Today is the longest day of the year and is a result of the Earth‘s north-south axis being tilted 23.4 degrees relative to the sun.  This allows our Northern Hemisphere  to have more light than on any other day in 2011. There are many celebrations across different cultures for the Summer Solstice and one…

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