Posts Tagged ‘mindfulness’
Self-Leadership is Self-Love
What’s love got to do with Self-Leadership? As it turns out, everything. The nurses I coach in the Well-Being Coaching Initiative are high performers in their healthcare organizations. They hold themselves to very high standards and when they don’t meet their often unrealistic expectations, they can be harsh and critical of themselves. Common statements I…
Keep Reading...Where is Your Next Adventure?
September is the new January. While children get back to school, it is the perfect time to get back to you, in other words, to decide what your next adventure is. Every new season offers us an excellent opportunity to stop and reflect on our priorities by asking these questions: What is most important to…
Keep Reading...How Resilient Are You?
I have always been fascinated with resilience. Why is it, in times of hardship and stress, some individuals thrive while others crumble? Is it our character, upbringing, or karma? I am relieved to tell you my research says resilience is not a personality trait you are born with, but a skill anyone can learn and…
Keep Reading...5 Lessons I Learned from the Dalai Lama
Last month, the Dalai Lama came to the University of Colorado Boulder to speak to a sold-out crowd of over 18,000. It was my first live experience with his holiness and even though it was a large venue, it felt very intimate. Despite sound issues and him speaking in Tibetan and English, I was completely…
Keep Reading...Let Go to Fill Up This Holiday!
Holidays bring more of everything—more parties, shopping, food, drink, and expectations. We don’t actually need more to fill us up. With more time,we would probably just add more activity. More money doesn’t fill us up either, because once we have our basic needs met, more does not bring peace and joy. And contrary to TV…
Keep Reading...What Are You Waiting For?
I chose to go on a 5 Day Silent Retreat because I was curious, craving quiet time and space, and had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into! It was more amazing and difficult than I could have possibly imagined, and the silence was the least of it. The real challenge was being…
Keep Reading...7 Acts of Loving-Kindness
I chose compassion, an intention from Your Mindful Year for my personal theme last month, knowing I would be challenged with a full traveling schedule. Compassion is practicing loving-kindness toward ourselves and others. Because what we focus on expands, while my intention was to treat myself kindly, I was unexpectedly showered with loving kindness from…
Keep Reading...What Are You Pretending Not to Know?
I consider myself an intuitive, right-brained, big picture person, not so great at details, who has a handle on things, mostly. Last month I had the opportunity to experience three different situations where I was pretending not to know. Maybe these will help if you are pretending too. In reviewing our finances, (my f-word) I…
Keep Reading...Take a Mindfulness Challenge and a Vacation!
When I lived in Estes Park a few years ago, a beautiful mountain resort town in Colorado, it felt like everyone I came in contact with was on vacation. And with 100,000 summer visitors compared to 10,000 year-round residents, they usually were! But even living in Denver now, it can still feel that way. I…
Keep Reading...How to Let Go of the Pony
Many years ago a friend of mine told me the reason the holidays can be so difficult for many of us is because we are waiting for the pony. I struggled with the holidays for years, starting in September and through to January. I would agonize before, in anticipation of my angst, suffer during and…
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