What’s Your More in 24?

Being a type A personality and recovering perfectionist, I am always eager to start the New Year with what comes easily for me: a list of ambitious projects and BHAGs (big, hairy, audacious goals). Unfortunately, this list is also full of unrealistic expectations that can overwhelm, disappoint, and paralyze me. I want more for 2024,…

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Your Well-Being Determines Your Wellness

notebook with drawing of flowers

When I ask nurses and nurse leaders, “How do you support Nurse Well-Being?” they often talk about their Wellness Programs, like LiveWell, Code Lavender, Peer Support, and Zen Rooms. These are all great approaches to support Nurse Wellness, but not necessarily Nurse Well-Being. Wellness and Well-Being are often used synonymously, and while they influence each…

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The Courage to Connect—With Yourself

I avoided reading a book a good friend gave me right after my accident, thinking, Why read about rest and recovery in difficult times when I am living it? Besides, I was too busy struggling with my long convalescence to actually settle in and learn from it. Even though I teach slowing down as a…

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The Gift of Compassion

When I fell on a hike last month dislocating and fracturing my right shoulder, I experienced many acts of compassion: The good samaritan who helped me to my car, drove me to the emergency room, and stayed with me until my husband arrived; The nurses and physicians in the ER who reduced my shoulder after…

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Why Am I’m So Tired?

Woman laying on the ground tired

How often do you ask yourself, Why am I so tired? When we question our energy levels and don’t feel justified when they are low, we dismiss the need to prioritize our rest and recovery, a critical practice to Well-Being. See what I mean from this recent individual session in the Well-Being Coaching Program: Can…

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Surrender to the Rest

Healthcare organizations everywhere are concerned about the well-being of their employees and Atrium Health committed to doing something about it. Last month, 17 ICU nurses graduated from my 8-week Well-Being Coaching Pilot (WBCP) at Atrium Health, Pineville. The statistically significant results of the pilot reflect practicing Self-Leadership skills improve well-being by decreasing stress and burnout…

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How to Move from Burnout to Balance

Person balancing on Rock

Last month I presented (in-person) to nursing students and leaders at Purdue University School of Nursing and UTHealth Cizak School of Nursing. What a gift for all of us to be together after virtually meeting and gathering for the last two years! Nursing students are one of my favorite audiences because they are the future…

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5 Ways to Fall in Love—With Yourself

I used to dread Valentine’s Day, resenting all the commercialism and hype. I now realize I was missing an opportunity to focus on myself instead of the inflated cost of flowers and chocolate. Whether you are currently seeking a love relationship, in one, or happily single, you can’t give what you don’t have, so falling…

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5 Misconceptions About Burnout

Carol, a seasoned ICU nurse started to cry uncontrollably on her way to the grocery store. After spending the last four days working her 12-hour shifts, she felt completely overwhelmed with the idea of driving to, navigating in, and unpacking from the grocery. Feeling frustrated and even embarrassed, she made the decision to go home…

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5 Steps to Recommit

Commit tiles

I had a realization last month when I was planning to send my book to my editor. I opened up the manuscript to review one more time before sending and found it was not in the condition I remembered, in fact, I was sure there must be a more recent version! Apparently, I had been…

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