Recovery is Your SuperPower

Boy flexing arms like a super hero

I woke up to a beautiful Colorado blue-sky morning feeling dark, disappointed and depleted. Everything felt heavy and I immediately searched for sources I could blame: My high-energy husband, happily whistling away while he worked…My Golden Retriever tracking my every step, eager for his morning walk…My scratchy throat, maybe I was getting sick…I was in…

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5 Ways to Fall in Love—With Yourself

I used to dread Valentine’s Day, resenting all the commercialism and hype. I now realize I was missing an opportunity to focus on myself instead of the inflated cost of flowers and chocolate. Whether you are currently seeking a love relationship, in one, or happily single, you can’t give what you don’t have, so falling…

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5 Misconceptions About Burnout

Carol, a seasoned ICU nurse started to cry uncontrollably on her way to the grocery store. After spending the last four days working her 12-hour shifts, she felt completely overwhelmed with the idea of driving to, navigating in, and unpacking from the grocery. Feeling frustrated and even embarrassed, she made the decision to go home…

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My Compassionate Reminder in the ER

Diane Sieg in the ER

I never imagined I would end up in the ER on my beach vacation. I am healthy, active, without risk factors, and if you work in healthcare, you know it takes a lot for any of us to admit we need help. But after experiencing mild chest pain all afternoon that increased to a pain…

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Retreat to Recover

Diane's team

Last month my team and I spent 3 days in the mountains for a retreat, the first time we were together in person in two years! Even though I have been leading retreats for 25 years, every single one reminds me of the importance of getting away to recover. We all agreed this one was…

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5 Steps to Recommit

Commit tiles

I had a realization last month when I was planning to send my book to my editor. I opened up the manuscript to review one more time before sending and found it was not in the condition I remembered, in fact, I was sure there must be a more recent version! Apparently, I had been…

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Living with Resilience: Keep Your Word

Some days I wake up feeling discouraged, frustrated and tired of it all. I call it a COVID day when I grieve the way things used to be and berate myself for not completing my book, getting organized or reaching out to more family with all the extra time I think I should have. I…

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Living with Resilience: Flying Lessons

I was drawn to paragliding for years so when Tim, a good friend and experienced pilot, offered to take me, I said yes immediately. I’m really not a daredevil, but there was something about the freedom of being in the air, above all the noise and chaos that really attracted me. As we stood on…

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Living with Resilience: Our Resistance to COVID

Diane hiking during COVID

When the pandemic became apparent to most of us in early March, we had no idea of the long-term implications it would have on virtually every aspect of our lives physically, emotionally, socially, and financially. Four months later, there is no waiting for our new normal, because it is here. I have observed and experienced…

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Recovery with Resilience: Restore

Last year at this time I wrote about the need for recovery as I experienced a full speaking schedule, a lot of travel, and planning my wedding! Today we are experiencing different reasons for needing recovery with limitations on travel, social interactions, and resources, leading to what a CNO said recently, feels like one very…

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