Could it Be That Easy?

One thing that triggers me, causing a disproportionate reaction to a situation, is any kind of technical issue. I admit to avoiding the necessary research, maintenance, and upgrading to prevent issues, fearing it will be too hard, expensive, or time-consuming. Case in point, I did not use my landline for business or personal for 18…

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The Freedom of Choice

“My choices determine how I feel and the space I’m in.” Does our well-being, how we feel about ourselves really come down to this simple and powerful statement? I think it could. Last week I completely overcommitted myself, powering through all my activities, resulting in exhaustion and grumpiness. All because of my choices. The freedom…

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Recalibrate for Well-Being

After a downright cold Colorado Spring and recovering from a nasty virus, I was eager to start my summer with many things on my list. Hiking, biking, backpacking, gardening, outdoor concerts, picnics, mountain trips, reconnecting with friends and family, painting, and various home projects just to name a few… I started to feel overwhelmed and…

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7 Habits of Highly Empowered Nurses

71% of nurses don’t believe their well-being is a priority to their organizations. While every Nurse Leader I know has workforce well-being at the top of their list, it’s hard to determine what to do about it. Empowering nurses in their own well-being is a start and requires commitment at the organizational and the individual…

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The Gift of Compassion

When I fell on a hike last month dislocating and fracturing my right shoulder, I experienced many acts of compassion: The good samaritan who helped me to my car, drove me to the emergency room, and stayed with me until my husband arrived; The nurses and physicians in the ER who reduced my shoulder after…

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Make the Connection


In the last 2 years, I have coached a lot of nurses, from frontline staff to Chief Nursing Officers. While they all want to make a difference, they share the false belief that they never do enough. They say, “If I could just get more efficient… organized… faster…I could get ahead and be a better…

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Recovery is Your SuperPower

Boy flexing arms like a super hero

I woke up to a beautiful Colorado blue-sky morning feeling dark, disappointed and depleted. Everything felt heavy and I immediately searched for sources I could blame: My high-energy husband, happily whistling away while he worked…My Golden Retriever tracking my every step, eager for his morning walk…My scratchy throat, maybe I was getting sick…I was in…

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5 Steps to Recommit

Commit tiles

I had a realization last month when I was planning to send my book to my editor. I opened up the manuscript to review one more time before sending and found it was not in the condition I remembered, in fact, I was sure there must be a more recent version! Apparently, I had been…

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Practice CPR for YOUR New Normal

Dignity HealthSign

I was thrilled to speak in person at Dignity Hospital last month for Hospital Week! While I have been grateful to present on Zoom for the last 16 months, it pales in comparison to the energy, spontaneity, and sharing an in-person experience provides. It was a great trip on many levels, and quite different from…

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Thank You for Your MOST Important Work

Girls holding a pan of scones

Waiting in line for my vaccination last month, I felt such a sense of hope and gratitude for the opportunity to re-engage in greatly missed activities, like baking scones with our granddaughters. The nurse who gave me my shot said, “This is the most important work I’ve ever done.” I was touched by her sentiment…

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