Practice CPR for YOUR New Normal

Dignity HealthSign

I was thrilled to speak in person at Dignity Hospital last month for Hospital Week! While I have been grateful to present on Zoom for the last 16 months, it pales in comparison to the energy, spontaneity, and sharing an in-person experience provides. It was a great trip on many levels, and quite different from…

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5 Ways to Practice Authenticity

5 ways to practice authenticity Patrick Kennedy

The AONE 2018 meeting was full of rich and relevant content, great speakers and a huge expo hall ideal for learning and connecting. Everyone I met, from vendors to nurse leaders was refreshingly authentic, open and enthusiastic about nursing and healthcare today. Of all the diverse speakers I experienced, I found Patrick Kennedy to be the most exceptional. Known…

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What’s the Word for Your New Year?

By now, we have all been bombarded with advice about how to be successful with our resolutions and join the meager 8% who actually achieve them. Too often, the rest of us make our resolutions too complicated, unrealistic, and overwhelming, based on things we think we should do, instead of things we want to do.…

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Where is Your Next Adventure?


September is the new January. While children get back to school, it is the perfect time to get back to you, in other words, to decide what your next adventure is. Every new season offers us an excellent opportunity to stop and reflect on our priorities by asking these questions: What is most important to…

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What Are You Waiting For?

I chose to go on a 5 Day Silent Retreat because I was curious, craving quiet time and space, and had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into! It was more amazing and difficult than I could have possibly imagined, and the silence was the least of it. The real challenge was being…

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How Will You Begin?

January is my favorite month because there is something powerful and magical about being able to begin again. Not necessarily start over, but meet ourselves where we are, with an openness and curiosity, full of promise and potential. This is beginner’s mind in action, looking at things as the beginning and experiencing them as fresh…

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