Building Nurse Well-Being Blog

Why Am I’m So Tired?

November 10, 2022
Woman laying on the ground tired

How often do you ask yourself, Why am I so tired? When we question our energy levels and don’t feel justified when they are low, we dismiss the need to prioritize our rest and recovery, a critical practice to Well-Being. See what I mean from this recent individual session in the Well-Being Coaching Program: Can…

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ONE Thing I Brought Back from Ireland

October 3, 2022

With all the interesting new people and places we experienced at our recent Ireland Retreat, ONE thing I brought back with me was the power of letting go of expectations. My only previous visit to Ireland was brief and 40 years ago, and my biggest memory was being very wet and cold the whole time.…

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The Compassion of Curiosity

September 1, 2022

While flying last month, I could not help but notice the significant body art of my seatmate. She had floral images the length of her leg with beautiful lilies, roses, and cherry blossoms. My immediate (and judgmental) thought was, why would anyone want all that permanent ink on their body? Thankfully, I changed my mind…

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Surrender to the Rest

August 1, 2022

Healthcare organizations everywhere are concerned about the well-being of their employees and Atrium Health committed to doing something about it. Last month, 17 ICU nurses graduated from my 8-week Well-Being Coaching Pilot (WBCP) at Atrium Health, Pineville. The statistically significant results of the pilot reflect practicing Self-Leadership skills improve well-being by decreasing stress and burnout…

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About Diane

As a speaker, author, life coach, nurse, and yoga teacher, Diane brings resilience skills to healthcare organizations in a variety of ways with The Resilience Academy, keynotes, half-day and full-day seminars, Resilience Challenges, national and international leadership and resilience retreats, virtual experiences, and coaching.